Almost as bad as the "we can't allow them to steal the election again" post.
I'm inclined to support postliberal political projects, but these kids are completely undermining the movement with their apathy toward the truth. One more post like this and I plan to unsubscribe.
This substack must be having difficulty finding competent writers…this is the most amateurish and error-filled attempt at political commentary yet, and would cause a serious 10th grader to blush.
The rumor in Springfield was started by a woman who later found her cat alive in her own basement.
You can do better, folks.
Can they?
Almost as bad as the "we can't allow them to steal the election again" post.
I'm inclined to support postliberal political projects, but these kids are completely undermining the movement with their apathy toward the truth. One more post like this and I plan to unsubscribe.
This substack must be having difficulty finding competent writers…this is the most amateurish and error-filled attempt at political commentary yet, and would cause a serious 10th grader to blush.
These guys hate european enlightenment.
I like that part. The problem is that they undermine a political theory that's worthy of consideration with their disdain of objective facts.