Mr. Thakur reflects the regrets which, for decades, many ND folk have experienced about the University's avoidance of its basic mandate to stand as a moral exemplar of Catholic identity and belief.

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I agree. Fire this “professor”

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Most ‘Catholic’ university’s are Catholic in name only at this point. The Jesuit’s are thoroughly left leaning politically - at least on ‘Catholic’ campuses - and are pretty much captured by ‘woke’ ideology. It is one thing to stand against hatred and promote tolerance towards those holding opposing views for discussion purposes - and another thing entirely to abdicate responsible orthodox Catholic teaching in favor of actively promoting liquid modernity and the ‘anything goes’ world view. Grrrr. This crap has been going on for quite awhile now. Nobody should assume that going to a Catholic University or College is any different than sny other liberal University or College at this point. Best of luck fighting this fight. But I suspect it may go nowhere.

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