Great job on this review! You make some of the same points I did in my review of the same book in Catholic Social Science Review. I really like this line:
"Instead of talking about promoting unions, how about we discuss family policy or reindustrialzation, things notably absent from the book?"
I think the answer is that Annett isn't interested in reindustrialization and he makes very few comments about the family in the book or on his social media. Reindustrialization means using energy, and using energy is bad because "human impact" or something. Annett seems to have a visceral hatred for Leo XIII, calling him "paternalistic." An odd term of insult for a Catholic, one would think.
Great job on this review! You make some of the same points I did in my review of the same book in Catholic Social Science Review. I really like this line:
"Instead of talking about promoting unions, how about we discuss family policy or reindustrialzation, things notably absent from the book?"
I think the answer is that Annett isn't interested in reindustrialization and he makes very few comments about the family in the book or on his social media. Reindustrialization means using energy, and using energy is bad because "human impact" or something. Annett seems to have a visceral hatred for Leo XIII, calling him "paternalistic." An odd term of insult for a Catholic, one would think.