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Your enthusiasm and support means a lot to all of us at The American Postliberal — and we promise we’ll work hard for your investment in our project.
Just a few months ago we launched The American Postliberal as Catholic political realists who recognize that the world is changing. It is no longer determined by the liberalism of either the left or the right, but is headed into an uncertain postliberal future. What we didn’t realize is how many new writers were interested in writing on just these same questions, and we’ve been blown away by the interest from thousands of subscribers.
Many of you have asked us how to best support us. Though we are a very young publication, we are in it for the long haul. But we can’t sustain ourselves without some good patrons who believe in our project. While we’d like to keep as much of our content as free as we can for as long as we can, there will be occasional special content which will be for patrons only in the future.
You can support our work at three different levels: Become a monthly patron for $7 a month or an annual patron at $60. If you are able, we hope some of you will become our Founding Patrons at $500. Your enthusiasm and support means a lot to all of us at The American Postliberal — and we promise we’ll work hard for your investment in our project.