Donald Trump would never mislead the media! Would he? As always, media speculation is swirling about the choice of a vice presidential nominee to stand alongside former President Trump as he prepares to retake the presidency. The primary, barring a miracle for Nikki Haley (or disaster), is all but over. Donald Trump will certainly be the presidential nominee at the convention in August.
With that being said, who is Trump going to bring along for the ride? Individuals connected to the Trump campaign have been spreading the idea that he has already selected a running mate and that he will be from New York. Could this be too much “New York values” for one ticket or is it just another media tactic to draw attention? We will not know for some time, but I want to highlight two under the radar picks, both of whom happen to be doctors and senators, for vice president that could be called upon to serve by Trump.
Senator Roger Marshall (Kansas)
Roger Marshall is a first term senator from ruby-red Kansas. He has spent much of his first term under the radar, but has recently marched towards headlines in his opposition to Ukraine funding. He is by no means a household name (few senators are), but he has built a strong reputation for standing up for conservative values and against the neoconservative establishment in his own party. He was one of the leading Senators to come out in favor of ending all aid to Ukraine and has certainly positioned himself as a “New Right” aligned Senator.
Moreover, Roger Marshall is actually Dr. Roger Marshall. He was a successful obstetrician and in a campaign that will heavily feature the specter of Roe vs. Wade — a doctor who delivered children firsthand on the ticket would be an excellent asset to any campaign. Knowing Trump, I can almost guarantee he would refer to his running mate’s medical experience ad nauseam during his rallies.
The Midwest could also use representation in this year’s Presidential cycle, as Biden and Harris are both from highly urbanized, coastal areas. This could be a distinct advantage to a Trump ticket. Senator Marshall leaving office would also not put the composition of the Senate in jeopardy, unlike some other Senators could if they were selected.
Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky)
Rand Paul (also a doctor) rode in on the tea party wave during the Obama era. He serves today as the most libertarian member of the Senate, and his father, Ron Paul is famously very liberty minded as well. Both members of this father-son duo have run for president, with mixed results. Rand Paul has at times been a critic of President Trump, but a constructive one. Senator Paul breaks with Trump from time to time on endorsements and issues of executive power. So too, any kind of libertarian policies seem unlikely in a second Trump Administration.
Yet, Paul often criticizes neoconservatives in his own party and has been a consistent critic of “hawkishness,” while recently coining the term “Never Nikki.” While he and Trump have some differences, they have similar enemies. For a president who will be very concerned about loyalty, it would be hard to imagine Senator Paul siding with the establishment on anything.
Paul has bucked Mitch McConnell for over a decade by this point, it is hard to imagine that ending. Senator Paul is vocal about the security state and the problems of the “three letter” agencies far before Trump came onto the political scene. There might not be personal love between Trump and Paul, but the Senator is unwavering in his attacks on political corruption, especially COVID, and learned how not to bow to political fashion long before Trump was a force.
These are two long shot candidates, but we should not be shocked if either of them were selected to join Trump on his ticket. All things considered, a dark horse is highly likely from Trump, himself being one in 2016. We are entering an election which is also likely to send shockwaves throughout our nation, and Trump is looking for someone who is placed firmly outside the establishment that can bring him the votes necessary to win.
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